

2014-06-27 14:10:49
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  • 1337 - the earliest record about the town mentions the name of tavern – “Fegebeutel”, which is “Czyścisakwa” in Polish (a place where your purse will be cleaned), located in the upper part of the river Kwisa valley

  • 1524 - first record of Flinsberg village

  • 1572 - doctor Leonard Thurneysser from Berlin writes for the first time about extraordinary properties of local water

  • 1601 - Kacper von Schwennckfeld describes the waters of upper spring and calls it Beer Spring (Bierbrunn)

  • 1739 - commission established by the Schaffgotschs confirms effective influence of the springs on a number of affections and indispositions.

  • 1777 - Wrocław printing house Kornów publishes first Polish description of Sudety springs, including Świeradów-Zdrój (then called Flinsberg)

  • 1811 - exploitation of Lower spring begun

  • 1895 - tragic fire destroys buildings of the health resort, Spring House is on fire

  • 1899 - opening of new Spa House

  • 1909 - railway is connected to the health resort

  • 1933 - Paul Schmidt – last German Mayor of the town accidentally discovers radon-active properties of Świeradów waters

  • 1945 - Wieniec - that was the name of the town for one year after war

  • 1946 - resuming activity of the health resort and naming it Świeradów-Zdrój

  • 1951 - PTTK (Polish Tourists and Country-Lover’s Society) group starts its activity in Świeradów

  • 1962 - bottling of water in Czerniawa-Zdrój begins

  • 1969 - “Torfowisko Izerskie” reserve is established

  • 1973 - Czerniawa Zdrój is connected to Świeradów

  • 1979 - first celebration of “Days of Blooming Rhododendrons”

  • 1982 - integrated health resort is created – PPU “Świeradów-Czerniawa”

  • 1993 - Jurgen Gerard Blum-Kwiatkowski opens the Museum of Reductive Art which functions in Świeradów-Zdrój for 10 years