
Health Resort Świeradów-Zdrój

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Świeradów-Zdrój is an attractive place all year round due to still unexhausted deposits of natural treasures. Thousands of children and adult visitors have already experienced the healing power of this extraordinary place in Lower Silesia. Its natural richness includes radon-active mineral waters, mud bath resources, climate and spruce bark used in medical care.

First patients started coming to Świeradów in 1786. However, exceptional properties of Świeradów springs had been suspected as early as in 16th century. In 1572, Leonard Thurneysser for the first time wrote about extraordinary discovery of wonderful features of local water. Moreover, in 1683 Fryderyk Luca wrote in the Silesian chronicle about special properties of water streaming out of Świeradów springs. Over half a century later, owners of the land – the Schaffgotschs family - established a special commission to gather scientific information and describe the healing effect of Świeradów waters. The commission settled that the water “…activates appetite, inhibits vomiting, eases anxiety states, stomach and liver illnesses”.
The health resort started to develop in 1768 when the Schaffgotschs built the first spa house. The peak of health resort development occurred in the twenties of 20th century. Direct railway connection with Berlin operating since 1909 opened Świeradów onto world and contributed to full upsurge of the Bad Flinsberg spa, because that is what Świeradów-Zdrój was then called.

Spa Guest Book kept since 1770 confirms superb condition of the spa and the privilege of having renowned and respected persons as guests, such as: Princess Lubomirska with her son Edward, Wojciech Bogusławski – creator of national theatre, Józef Elsner – Fryderyk Chopin’s teacher and Włodzimierz Majakowski – one of the most remarkable Russian poets.
In 1973 two independent spa towns: Świeradów-Zdrój and Czerniawa-Zdrój were connected. This year Czerniawa became a district of Świeradów.

Therapeutic profiles of the health resort which developed on the basis of extraordinary natural resources located here include treatment of:
  • motor organ affections
  • rheumatology affections
  • neurological diseases
  • gynecological affections
  • peripheral arterial diseases
  • arterial hypertension
  • respiratory system affections

Contraindications against visiting the Health Resort:
  • cardiac failure
  • arrhythmia
  • thrombose
  • conditions after syncopres (hemorrhages, infarcts)
  • peracute inflammations
  • tumour diseases

  • Mineral bath – relaxing effect

- affections of blood vessels and circulatory system

  • Mineral aerosol therapy
- gynopathies
  • Spruce bath – increases skin tension with relaxing effect
- nervous system affections
- respiratory system affections
  • Mud bath treatments - baths, compressions, wrapping, tamponage
- degeneration of joints and joint cartilage

- posttraumatic conditions of bones, periost and muscles

- chronic diseases of gastrointestinal system

- gynopathies

  • Radon-active baths and inhalations
- cardiovascular system diseases
- affections of respiratory tracts
- rheumatic diseases
- gynecological diseases
- diseases of motor organs - disorders of metabolism and endocrine glands.

Besides basic treatments using unique properties of mineral waters and mud bath, auxiliary treatments are applied.
